Monday, February 23, 2009


Many things in life are simply not designed to work together: black shoes with brown belts; the Christian faith and homosexuality; Mariah Carey’s marriage to Tommy Mottola, 21 years her senior; Mariah Carey’s marriage to Nick Cannon, 10 years her junior. My adult life has been defined by one of those mismatched pairings; guess which one. (Hint: Mariah Carey knows better than to wear incompatible accessories.)

After a healthful serving of deliberation, followed by some unhealthful indolence, and a dash of apathy, I finally mustered the courage and willpower to blog about the twin pillars that hold my life up--and at times, collide with each other, burying me in their wreckage.

A warning to all readers, Christian, gay, queer, all-of-the-above, none-of-the above: this is the story of my bifurcated life, and mine only. I do not pretend to speak for other believers, other homosexuals, or those simultaneously blessed and cursed enough to find themselves in situations similar to mine. With that in mind, happy reading, and thank you for journeying along with me through this blog.

PS: Perhaps some of you are thinking, "Hey, Mariah and Nick are still married! They still have a chance to make it work." Hey, I believe in miracles as much as the next evangelical, but let's not expect too much of the Almighty.

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